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时间:2024-07-04 14:09 评论





自公元前312年秦惠文王设汉中郡以来,汉中已有2300多年的历史。 是中国最早的天府之国,国家历史文化名城。 在中国革命的光辉杰作中,汉中以她不可磨灭的贡献,为这座古老而年轻的城市留下了深深的红色烙印。

汉中是一片红色的土地。 鄂豫陕革命根据地汉中苏区在这里建立,中华苏维埃共和国第二大版图川陕在这里建立。 中国革命史上鲜为人知的汉中协定就是在这里签订的,川陕苏区的红色交通线就在这里。 开门见山,红四方面军、红二方面军、红二十五方面军的长征凯歌在这里奏响。 红二十九军、红七十四师、陕南游击队第一旅、川晋边区游击队的光辉历史都写在这里。

汉中是英雄之地。 “五四”期间,陈金章、何婷颖等一大批汉中有志青年赴北京、上海、西安等地接受新文化、新思想,把革命的火种带回了汉中,点燃了汉中革命的熊熊烈火。 在硝烟弥漫的革命岁月里,李先念、徐向前、徐海东、王振、王峰等老一辈无产阶级革命家在这片热土上运筹帷幄、指挥战斗,留下了许多辉煌的战绩。

汉中是战场。 在民族危亡、抗日救亡的危急关头,汉中各级党组织积极开展抗日宣传,向前线输送抗日青年和抗战物资。 华北和西安的大量军政机关、工厂、学校迁往汉中,汉中成为支持持久抗战的军事力量。 、文化、经济、教育重镇。

依托现存的160多处革命遗址,汉中大力发展红色旅游。 南郑川陕革命根据地纪念馆和洋县华阳红二十五军司令部旧址已成为全国100个经典红色旅游景区之一。






革命历史陈列室位于汉中博物馆东华厅,面积120平方米。 馆内有陈乾伦烈士塑像,馆内有汉中革命斗争文物300余件,包括徽章、钱币、兵器及相关宣传资料等,建筑物保护较好。

1932年1月,中共陕西省委特派员陈干伦来汉,以教师身份领导学生运动,开展革命工作。 他于 5 月被当局逮捕。 9月出狱后,住在古汉台东华堂养伤,继续进行革命工作。 1933年初,省委先后派杨山、孟方舟、李根、杨维三等同志赴汉学习,筹备成立红二十九军。 在陈乾伦的主持下,以孟方舟为指导员,利用古汉台的公共场所,抽调部分县的一批优秀党团员到望江楼开办军事训练班,学习游击战法,培养一批优秀的党员。一群军事人员。 人员。 陈乾伦同志后来担任红二十九军军长。 在西乡县武装斗争中,因反革命叛乱而光荣牺牲。










何婷颖同志出生于1905年5月,1925年6月加入中国共产主义青年团,年底成为中国共产党党员。 1926年夏,参加北伐。 1927年9月,参加秋收起义,跟随毛泽东到井冈山,参加整编三湾、会师朱毛红军和建立井冈山革命根据地。 1928年8月,指挥著名的黄洋界保卫战。 1929年1月,毛泽东、朱德率领的红四军主力开赴赣南、闽西开辟新的根据地。 1月24日,在江西大禹战役中负重伤。 25日随部队转战广东南雄吴泾。

何婷颖是三万改编的直接参与者,中国工农革命军支部在公司成立的倡导者,我国第一部工农兵政府纲要的起草人—— 《遂川县工农兵政府纲要》。 军队名将、党内优秀干部是保卫黄洋界战役的主要指挥官。 他为井冈山革命根据地的建立做出了重要贡献。






川陕革命纪念馆位于汉中市西南25公里的国家级水利风景名胜区红寺湖风景区内。 1932年12月,徐倩倩率领的红四方面军主力从鄂豫皖根据地战略转移,突围而出。 以中央为中心,包括23个县政府,人口约600万。 红四军扩大为五个军,八万多人。 1933年,中共川陕省委员会和省苏维埃政府成立。 被誉为“中华苏维埃共和国的第二边疆”。

纪念馆陈列了红四方面军在川陕革命根据地建立过程中的著名战役、红色交通线的建立和活动; 红25军、红29军、红二方面军359旅、巴山游击队在汉中的战斗; 为中国新民主主义革命作出重大贡献的汉中人、事、物; 介绍了1920年代至汉中解放期间汉中各地方革命武装的斗争事件和重要人物的生平事迹。

川陕革命根据地纪念馆由主展厅、爱国主义教育广场、纪念碑、何婷颖烈士纪念广场组成。 分为三大展区。 还保护了散落在各地、濒临灭绝的革命历史文物,反映了川陕苏区革命活动的历史全景。

川晋革命根据地纪念馆红军石刻陈列园收藏了100多件红军石刻标语和文献精品,是“中国近代革命斗争史上独一无二的文化现象,马克思主义大众化示范、爱国主义和革命传统教育生动课堂、红色旅游“发展的宝贵资源”,是全国100个红色经典旅游景区之一,陕西三大红色旅游景区之一省。 是陕西唯一的川晋革命根据地纪念馆。 省党史研究教育基地、省廉洁教育示范基地、省青少年教育基地。






红四军陕南战役纪念馆位于陕西省汉中市勉县武侯镇,距县城约4公里,占地面积500平方米。 主体工程维护、布展、专题片拍摄共计100万元。 月圆满开。

1935年2月3日,在红四方面军总司令徐向前的部署下如何找汉中同志,副总司令王树生等率12个团进入陕南。 先后在宁强之战、阳平关之战、新铺湾之战中取得巨大胜利,迅速东进。 2月9日,攻克勉县县城,在武侯祠设立司令部,指挥围攻宝城、南郑的战斗。

陕南战役从1935年2月3日至22日,历时20天,歼敌4个团,缴获轻重机枪70余挺,长短枪5000余支,俘虏4000余人敌军团长被俘。 长征途中的中央红军支援进入陕南尚县的红25军。 这是我党武装在汉中取得的一次大规模军事胜利,迅速扩大了川陕革命根据地陕南苏区的红色版图。 .






1933年秋,国民党陕西省政府警卫总队进驻房棉县,指挥官是中共地下党员张汉民。 1933年冬,中共陕南特委、特军委从汉中迁到勉县东马家店(今勉县武侯镇)工作,领导地下党的革命斗争活动组织和汉中安康特支部。




城固县革命烈士纪念碑位于城固县南沙河风景区。 1991年7月,城固县委、县政府在库区西部钟嘴山修建了革命烈士纪念碑。 碑高18米,占地面积784平方米。 它是用花岗岩建造的,有大理石栏杆。 在绿水青山蓝天的映衬下,高大雄伟,庄严肃穆。 碑顶四面分别刻有毛泽东主席和中央首脑马文瑞、汪峰同志的题词。 碑前有一“碑”。 每逢清明节前后和7月1日,学校师生、干部职工和群众到这里祭奠先烈,也有不少游客前来缅怀先烈。



红四方面军小河口会议纪念馆位于陕西省汉中市城固县小河镇,距县城约47公里,占地面积1403平方米。 一期工程投资1200万元,其中布展投资160万元,于2017年6月30日建成开放。2017年12月25日,被认定为市级重点项目。汉中市人民政府文物保护单位。

1932年12月7日,红四方面军到达城固县小河口。 12月8日,张国焘召集部分师级以上干部开会,商讨行动方针,史称红四方面军小河口会议。 会上,曾仲生、匡继勋、于笃三等同志批评了张国焘的错误,迫使张国焘收敛宗法作风,加强集体领导,坚持民主集中制。 会上宣布成立前敌委员会,为随后的上元关、钟家沟会议确定进军川北、建立川晋革命根据地的战略决策奠定了坚实的组织基础。 小河口会议是决定红四方面军去向的一次转折性会议,对川晋革命根据地迅速建立和发展成为“中国苏维埃第二边疆”发挥了重要作用。共和国”。









1929年8月,中国共产党在扬县建立了地下组织,从此,在古扬州这片土地上掀起了汹涌的革命浪潮。 为推翻“三大山”,建立新中国,为实现共产主义理想,在英勇斗争中,扬州大地上涌现出许多英烈。 他们用生命和鲜血写下了洋县的历史。 革命历史章节。



为纪念在华阳建立革命根据地的中国工农红军第25军牺牲的革命烈士,在第一次国内革命战争、第二次国内革命战争中牺牲在阳县的烈士,为纪念抗日战争、解放战争和洋县革命烈士,中共洋县委、洋县人民政府于1988年在华阳修建了革命烈士纪念碑,以纪念和缅怀英雄,激励全县人民为建设富强洋县而奋斗。 2003年8月,阳县人民政府公布为县级重点文物保护单位。 是爱国主义和革命传统教育的重要场所。

1934年冬,位于鄂豫皖苏区的红二十五军在军长程子华、副军长徐海东、政委吴焕先、政治部主任郑伟三。 . 1935年3月8日,红25军进入距洋县县城约76公里的华阳,并在此建立了新的革命根据地。 红二十五军在红石窑村余家大院设立司令部,部署打土豪、分田地、发动贫民革命等活动。


1935年3月8日,红25军来到洋县华阳。 就在红25军到达华阳时,陕西警备二旅紧追不舍。 3月10日,红25军在华阳东南15里的石塔河上布下口袋编队。 石塔河地势险要,山高林密,两岸悬崖峭壁,中间一道沟渠。 红军在山沟两旁的丛林中埋伏。 当疲惫不堪的张飞生大队进入伏击圈时,先头部队并没有看到红军,只有一些农民在山上砍柴。 他们问:“红军在哪里?” ”农民答:“很远。 其实,这些打柴的“农民”就是红军。 诱敌深入后,红军战士从山谷两侧的丛林中冲下,枪林弹雨,杀声震天,将敌军斩成数段。 敌人突然遭到红军的进攻,惊慌失措,一片混乱。 张飞升的两个先头团被歼,后方团掉头逃走。 旅长张飞生负伤逃命。







纪念塔牌坊门檐下有浮雕“革命烈士陵园”,两侧有楹联“生之伟大,死之光荣”。 碑北侧刻有在土地革命、抗日战争、解放战争和抗美援朝战争中牺牲的210位英雄的名字。 1986年3月再次整修,增设对越反击战中牺牲的烈士。 1985年,西乡县革命烈士纪念碑被县人民政府列为“西乡县重点文物保护单位”,2006年被列为“县级爱国主义教育基地”。 2004年因城市规划建设,迁至城关镇伏溪村,并更名为“西乡县革命烈士纪念碑”。



1933年2月,以陈乾伦为代表的一批进步青年坚信共产主义,积极参加反帝反封建运动。 ,他多次与国民党反动派英勇作战。 后来,由于汉奸的出卖,发生了震惊陕南的“玛尔雅事变”。 红29军军长陈乾伦等近百名干部壮烈牺牲。 星星之火可以燎原。 红二十九军在西乡播下的革命火种,沉重地打击了反动派的统治,有力地支持了红四方面军开进四川,在陕西革命斗争史上写下了光辉的一页。




位于宁强县大安镇秀峰寺。 秀峰寺原名秀峰寺,位于大安街西北。 民国时期为大安高等小学所在地。

1926年10月,中共党员陈锦章从上海艺术学院毕业后回到宁强,在大安高小任教。 他边教书边从事革命活动。 教室成了他传授进步思想的主要阵地,办公室成了他进行革命活动的秘密据点。 他孜孜不倦地向青年学生传授马克思主义思想,宣传学习《新青年》、《创造月刊》等进步刊物,传播革命火种。 他还组织在校青年学生,采用游行、话剧表演、张贴标语等多种形式,宣传反帝反封建的革命思想。 经过进步思想的洗礼和革命斗争实践的磨练。

1927年春,他先后将弟弟陈文华和进步青年骨干何蔚然培养为中国共产党党员,秘密组建了宁强县第一个共产党组织和陕南第一个共产党组织,中共大安集团,在秀峰观。 陈金章任党组组长,陈文华、何蔚然任组员。 1927年秋,陈锦章在陕南特委书记刘家三等人的支持与配合下,在宁强城关金家坪乡秘密成立了中共宁强支部。 开展地下党组织活动。 由于陈金章在宁强支部工作,陈文华、何蔚然等人到汉中第五师范学校学习,中共大安集团活动停止。




陈锦章,宁强县列金坝人,1899年出生,1925年9月加入中国共产党,1926年10月回到宁强,先后在宁强、大安高等小学任教。 他以多种形式宣传马列主义,积极倡导女人放手,男人不扎辫子,传播进步书籍,培养弟弟陈文华和进步青年何蔚然入党。 同年,因张氏反共活动,离师回汉中。 In November, he was elected as a member of the Southern Shaanxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China.

陈锦章在长征途中牺牲。 只有妹妹陈真人终于完成长征,到达延安,并在朱德的照顾下,嫁给了红军总医院院长傅连章。

陈锦章故居原由正门楼、正楼和左右配房组成。 它的形状像一个庭院。 2017年2月立项修建,12月7日开馆。12月25日被汉中市人民政府确定为市级文物保护单位。


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Former Site of the Military Headquarters of the Red Twenty-fifth Army

The former site of the Red 25th Army Headquarters is located in Luojiayuan, Hexi Village, Jiangkou Town, Liuba County. The house was built in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The architectural style is a courtyard structure. There are graphic exhibition rooms, military meeting rooms, Cheng Zihua's and Xu Haidong's bedrooms, guard platoons, female soldiers' dormitories, teaching rooms and statues of leaders of the Red 25th Army in the courtyard. The real objects on display include weapons used by the Red Army, marching equipment, important historical materials of the Red 25th Army, brief introductions to people's deeds, and literature materials. The exhibition hall and square statues at the former site of the military headquarters vividly reproduced the revolutionary history of the 25th Red Army and its revolutionary activities in Liuba County.

During the Long March, under the leadership of Cheng Zihua, Wu Huanxian and Xu Haidong, the 25th Red Army arrived at Jiangkou Town, Liuba County on July 25, 1935, and left Jiangkou on July 30 to continue its westward march northward. During their stay in the dam, the 25th Red Army defeated the Third Division of Feng Yu, a reactionary Kuomintang militia entrenched in Jiangkou Town. The military headquarters was stationed in Luojiayuan, Hexi Village, Jiangkou Town, where they preached policies, suppressed local tyrants, distributed land, distributed money and food, and established a Soviet regime; The army, supplies, recuperation, and ideological mobilization for the westward expedition and the northward march; Wu Huanxian, the military political commissar, guided the construction of the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi base here. After a week of rest, the 25th Red Army set off northward and arrived at Yongping Town, Yanchuan County on September 15, becoming the first unit of the Long March to join forces with the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army.

Jiangkou Militia Uprising Site

The site of the Jiangkou Militia Uprising is located in Jiangkou Village, Jiangkou Town, Liuba County

The current appearance of the former site of the home of Yuan Changlu, the leader of the Jiangkou Militia Uprising

After the 25th Red Army marched westward and went northward, the bandit leader Feng Yusan, who had fled in the mountains of Taibai, Fengxian, and Gansu, brought his remnants back to Jiangkou. In February 1936, under the influence of revolutionary ideas, militia platoon leader Zhu Youwen, squad leader Li Zhenghua, pistol squad leader Yuan Changlu, coach Li Peimin, and young man Yang Qingshan from Jiangkou Street secretly contacted nearly a hundred poor peasants and local youths in the militia to prepare Take advantage of Feng's unpreparedness to kill Feng Uprising, and then go to the Red Army.

Zhenba County

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Zhenba Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower

Zhenba Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower is located in Jingyang Town, Zhenba County (Anya Liang, east of Zhenba County).

In July 1984, the People's Government of Zhenba County officially built the Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower in the middle of Anyaliang Mountain in the east of the county, with a height of 15 meters.

Since December 1932 when the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army opened up the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base and established the Southern Shaanxi Soviet Area, more than 380 outstanding sons and daughters in the Zhenba area have sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people. The completion of the Memorial Tower of Revolutionary Martyrs will inspire the people of Zhenba to advance bravely on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and continue to write a new chapter of reform and development.

In 2000, the People's Government of Zhenba County built the "Zhenba Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall" about 100 meters south of the "Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower", which fully reflects the history of Zhenba during the new democratic revolution, especially the land reform war. The exhibition hall covers an area of ​​120 square meters. In the hall, there are displayed the military flags of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, the military uniforms (imitations) and rain-proof capes worn by the Red Army during the establishment of the town of Basu District, the straw sandal rakes used for sandals, and the people in the Soviet District. Real objects such as back frames used by the Red Army to transport military rations and other materials. Zhenba Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall and Zhenba "Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower" complement each other, forming a beautiful picture of Zhenba Mountain City.

Liba Secret Traffic Station Ruins

The site of Liba Secret Traffic Station is located in Lijiayuan, Liuying Village, Liba Town, Zhenba County.

In February 1934, after the traffic officer at the Yuduba traffic station on the red traffic line was killed by the enemy, Wu Zhiping, an underground member of the Communist Party of China and major staff officer of the 51st Brigade of the 38th Army of the Kuomintang, discussed with Ke Daxiang, a cadre of the Red Army, and decided to transfer the The traffic line was changed from Hanzhong to Zhenba via Liba to the headquarters of the Red Fourth Front Army in Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province. A secret traffic station was set up in Liba. Li Zhenggang, a cultural commissar of the Soviet government in Guanmenya Township, and his wife Wang Sanzhen served as traffic officers at the traffic station. Later, because the traffic station was discovered by the Kuomintang agents, and Gao Huafeng, the adjutant of the 51st Brigade of the 17th Route Army, was delayed, so that the joint personnel sent by the Red Army were killed after being attacked by the militia leaders Huang Shigui and Chen Shanting in the Liba area. This stops working.

On the morning of September 10, 2018, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Red Traffic Line Liba Memorial Hall was opened in Liba Town, Zhenba County.

Former Residence of General Fu Xianhui

The former residence of General Fu Xianhui is located in Yangjiaying Village, Jianchi Town, Zhenba County. On December 25, 2017, it was identified as a municipal-level cultural relic protection unit by the Hanzhong Municipal People's Government.

In February 1933, Fu Xianhui, who was only 14 years old, joined the Soviet Government Boys' Corps in Jianchi District, then joined the Red Army and participated in the Long March in February 1935. In his more than 60 years of revolutionary career after joining the Red Army, General Fu Xianhui successively participated in the anti-encirclement and suppression struggle in Zhenbasu District, the Hundred Regiments Campaign in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the Battle of Shangdang in the War of Liberation. . He successively served as the captain of the Shanxi Anti-Enemy Desperate Team, the commander of the 72nd Regiment of the Taiyue Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, the deputy brigade commander and chief of staff of the 12th Brigade of the 4th Column of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the commander of the Liangyun Army Division, and the 55th Division of the 19th Army. Division Commander, Deputy Commander of the 21st Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers, Director of the Engineering Corps of the Beijing Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Commander of the 65th Army, and Deputy Commander of the Second Artillery Corps. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of Colonel, and was awarded the third-level August 1st Medal, the second-level Independent Freedom Medal, and the second-level Liberation Medal. Promoted to the rank of major general in 1961. In 1988, he was awarded the First Class Red Army Medal of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. A representative of the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a representative of the Sixth National People's Congress.

Foping County

Former Residence of Cheng Zihua and Xu Haidong Shangshawo

The former residence of Cheng Zihua and Xu Haidong Shangshawo is located in Shangshawo Village, Changjiaoba Town, Foping County.

At the end of 1934, according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Cheng Zihua and Xu Haidong led the Red 25th Army to withdraw from the Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Soviet Areas, and established the Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi Revolutionary Bases in southern Shaanxi. The 25th Red Army captured Foping County many times during its activities in southern Shaanxi. On March 4, 1935, the 25th Red Army captured Foping County for the first time. On March 5th, the 25th Red Army moved to Huayang, Yangxian County, and on March 10th, it wiped out the Second Shaanxi Police Brigade who followed and pursued in Huayang, Yangxian County. In late March, Cheng Zihua and Xu Haidong led the 25th Red Army back east to Shangluo, passing through Shangshawo Village, Foping County, where they took a short-term rest. During the camp in Shangshawo, the Red Army helped the common people chop firewood, clean the courtyard, write propaganda slogans, hold a mass meeting, executed more than 10 heinous landlords and bullies, and distributed their floating wealth to the poor, which was very popular among the masses.

Strolling on the red fertile soil of Hanzhong

It's like entering a revolutionary history museum without walls

Every ruin has witnessed

The history of the Chinese Communists' arduous struggle in Hanzhong

Contains a rich revolutionary spirit

Finally for everyone

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